To create a variety of tote bag design options to be included as a part of a seasonal acquisition marketing campaign.



  • Worked in partnership with a copywriter to create a branded HF tote bag to be used as gift for customer who redeemed direct mail vouchers in a certain month. 

  • Stakeholder requirements:  A “catchy” phrase, use of HF logo, and design to brand guidelines.

  • Limited to a design on an 8x8” square and a limited number of colors due to production constraints.

  • Stakeholders wanted a range of options to be able to offer customers.


  • Used a variety of visual elements that encompass the HF brand, e.g. meal-kit box, dinner plate, meal-kit bag & lime to help perpetuate HelloFresh brand awareness to both wearers and viewers of tote bag.

  • Wanted to keep the designs playful and fun so it was something customers would WANT to wear- not useful as an ongoing branding tool if it sits in a closet somewhere and is not used. 

  • ISSUE: stakeholders requested several manipulations of the colors, scale and use of the HelloFresh lime logo, which is incongruous with the company’s brand guidelines. SOLVE: I created an alternative lime illustration (instead of the HF logo) and created a pattern which met their requests. Still used the lime imagery but didn’t interfere with permitted usage of the logo.